Last night DH persuaded me to take a drive to the beach (10 mins away) to escape the oppressive heat. It has been well over 30C for a week or so, and disgustingly hot at night. I'm on night shift at the moment so it is really gruelling to attempt daytime sleep when its 37C and dripping with humidity. Even in front of the fan. Sigh.

The weather bureau keeps promising thunderstorms and the sky keeps trying but no...

He does love the beach, anytime, anywhere. When we were in Italy last year he even had an illicit swim on a private beach at Viareggio (we're Aussies, whaddya mean 'private beach'?)

I'm reading blogs from Alaska, and MA, and Scotland and Norway and they all feature SNOW. Masses of snow. Sigh. (after 17 tries to insert a new paragraph at this point clearly AGAINST the wishes of Blogger who then posts it without one, just imagine a carriage return here...please). I'd like a bit of snow right about now. I bet they'd like a bit of sunset on Cottesloe Beach.
Oh no. When you're having hot weather in Perth, it's sure as eggs that we get it 5 or 6 days later.
I want rain!!!!!
(It's all your fault... You and your glorious sunsets.)
ahhh...that's just lovely...i can feel myself basking in the warmth now...my skin just soaking in the humid air and plumping right up.....virtual vacation. thanks for the pics ;0
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