Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday activities

Spend four nights with favourite husband in a cosy and private beach-side getaway. Tick.

Spend a day of getaway baking beloved Christmas cakes. Best. Batch. Ever. Tick.

Play Bingo with hubby. Tick. I still don't win.

Tackle Xmas pressie shopping with a relaxed hubby by my side. Tick.

Get bathroom door and dining room wall painted 6 months after bathroom renovation. Tick.

Attend Xmas parties in blistering heat. Tick.

Host Xmas party in blistering heat, wondering why people say they are coming but don't. Tick.

Eat leftovers. Tick.

Read on FB that a young depressed work colleague has died tragically. At work, with colleagues finding her. Reel in shock. Make many phonecalls to distraught colleagues. Grieve the loss of a lovely young midwife. Sadly, tick.

Value life even more preciously and vows to love and support even more. You betcha.


Fairlie - said...

What a sad end to your list.

A grim reminder indeed to value life and to love and support.

persiflage said...

You sound so busy and productive. And what a tragic end to a young life. In such cases one wonders how it could have been prevented, but sadly the conditions are not revealed.

Debby said...

Oh, my. I was reading down your list and it sounded so pleasant and merry. The end was tragic. I am sorry for your colleagues, and for the young midwife lost. I am glad, though, that the final item on your list was so life and relationship affirming. Terrible things happen. We grieve. But when the dust settles, we have to decide: will this be merely a series of black and difficult days? Or will something good come of it, something lasting and something of value. I'm glad that you are so wise. You really must be a blessing to the people around you.

InfoMidwife said...

great tick list..... most of all be thankful for the lessons learned... I liked Debby's comment " when terrible things happen.........." I hope we have all learned a lesson... I think mine is to be thankful for my life and slow down... so I can truely enjoy it....

Laura Jane said...
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Lisa L said...

i'm so sorry about the poor depressed co-worker. i wonder if she'd tried to seek help? there is still such a stigma in our society (especially in australia i'm finding) which puts people off seeing a psychologist/psychiatrist etc. i hope it wasn't suicide. but it sounds like it may have been. god love all of you as you wade through the grief.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Life is so unpredicatble :( x

Stomper Girl said...

I'm glad there's been some niceness in your Christmas list, because that is such a sad ending to it. Hope you are all okay Cx

em.s said...

Sorry to hear about your news. Never easy. Will be thinking of you.xx